One of my successful marketing experience with AB testing

2 min readApr 24, 2021

when I worked in my previous company as marketing, I was assigned with a task that I have never done before. I have to lead the company website revision project because of the bad conversion rate right now on our old website.

As a person with no website marketing experience before, I don’t know what should I do and what techniques I can apply to evaluate which version of the web pages created by our front-end team should we adopt. We spent several hours on internal meetings and lengthy discussions and still no conclusion made.

This situation prompted me to start thinking, who and how should the decision be made? Is that us or the customers?

Apparently should be the customers. But how should the customers do the decision? Should we invite a lot of people to come and interview them one by one? This could spend a lot of time and money and people tend to hide their true feelings when got interviewed by others. Those questions bothered me for a while until one day I saw an advertisement about data analytics course on Udacity. In this course, syllabus, I saw the word — AB testing, which is a process of showing two variants of the same web page to different segments of website visitors at the same time and comparing which variant drives more conversions

I took the course on Udacity and shared what I learn about AB testing with the marketing team member. We all felt excited and agreed on this data-driven methodology. To apply the AB testing method in the website, we started to build a team recruiting different kinds of roles like engineers to help us build infrastructure like database, tracking code..etc. As a result, we successfully transformed our website and increased total sales revenue by 20% by enhancing the conversion rate on the new website.

That is one of the successful marketing campaigns that I have experienced and I always love to share it because this is the very first step in our company to adopt the concept of data-driven decision-making process.

